SALON K BODY-BREATHING METHOD - Secrets of a professional Dancer.
After decades of performing on the major stages around the world, we are sharing the process that is the key to our success and longevity as artists.
As performing artists we need to know how to stay healthy and fit physically and mentally both short and long term. We also need the capacity to express and transmit the full spectrum of being human and to access and become friends with our full emotional inner world.
This is also what helps all of us, whether we are artists or not, to navigate through life.
How to sense our bodies and its perceptions, access our innate wisdoms, find motivation and energy, aligning our wants with our needs, become friends with our emotions and learn how to take care of and keep our bodies fit and healthy. The Salon K Body-Breathing method is devised exactly to help finding these navigational tools for life.
It all starts with conscious breathing, learning how to use our breath, breathe like babies as we are born to do but have forgotten living our busy modern ‘adult’ lives.
We’ll introduce you how to use the breath to move your body in a harmonious and elegant way. How to walk, stand, sit, make an entrance. We’ll teach you how to listen to your body, so you can access its innate wisdoms. The body can tell you so much of what you need to know. And give you a full range of sensations if we only listen.
This is not a dance or yoga workout, learning sequences or forms.
It is an internal journey connecting body, mind and soul - A journey to yourself.
The Body-Breathing sessions are 45 - 90 minutes, and consist of low-impact physical exercises based on conscious breathing. The breath and the physical exercises are devised to be directly implementable into the actions of our everyday lives.
To describe what it can do for you, here are some words of our clients that have gone through the Body-Breathing coaching:
“Before I started the Body-Breathing sessions, I was not connected to my body at all. Not only did I have anxiety, I was fearing it. Now I coexist with it, because I am more in command of my breathing, body and everything. I feel more open. Less fear. Anxiety is there obviously but it comes and goes. It is a friend now.” S.D.
“I was shown what simple and healthy movements to do away from the gym crowds, just with the personal attention I needed. It was a true learning process of the body, the respiration, not just push ups and gym machinery, but behaviour, understanding, mental attention. A few months later, practicing the good habits without a gym or machines, made me lose weight, feel better overall, and not just in my body.” J.P.